Get in touch with our legal expert FISKA\France who will accompany and advise you in all your legal procedures. We can also put you in touch with law firms with whom we collaborate for more specific or long term needs.
Every company or self-employed individual will eventually encounter legal challenges.

Laws relevant to your business activities and operations.

The execution of a process or the drafting of legal documents.

Choosing or changing your legal status.

Choosing and drafting your company's legal structure
The writing of the company’s legal status you wish to choose for your business.
For some legal structures, you don’t even need to get legal status. We’ll help you find the one best suited to your business.

Which legal status to choose?

Which is best suited to your business?

In which country should you open your business?
Company Creation
When starting up a business, the legal aspect comes into play at several stages: Advice and choice of legal form, drafting your company’s articles of association (status), brand registration and protection, etc.Numerous steps where the support a à legal expert is invaluable.

Advice and choice of legal form

Filing administrative formalities with the authorities

Choice of legal and tax regime

Drawing up a business forecast

Search for financing

Brand registration
A brand and its elements can take various forms:

verbal: a word, a noun

figurative: a logo, a drawing

sound: a musical hook, a piece of music
Once your trademark is registered, it will be protected for a period of ten years, renewable. The organization in charge of listing all the elements of industrial property, trademarks, patents, designs and models is the INPI – National Institute of Industrial Property.
Our legal expert, FISKA\France, will guide you through filing, withdrawing, or renouncing your trademark and of course of the procedures with the INPI.
The fee agreements
The fee agreement is a contract between the service provider and the client.
Generally, a fee agreement is established in three cases: when an agreement is made with a lawyer, with a notary and between companies of the same group.
The purpose of this contract is to determine, from the beginning of the relationship, the conditions of treatment of the file by the professional.
With our legal expert, FISKA\France, and our law partners, you can rest assured and benefit from guidance in drafting and reviewing your fee agreements.

The subcontracting agreement
The subcontracting or service provision contract outlines the relationship between a professional and a service provider, particularly when the professional cannot perform the service themselves. It’s crucial to select your subcontractors carefully and verify their status with the relevant tax authorities using your registration number.
Indeed, in the case of a subcontracting contract, a co-responsibility is established, i.e. in case of a problem on the part of the subcontractor, you are also concerned.
The legal expert FISKA\France and its legal partners draw up for you a personalized contract of subcontracting.
The legal act
A juridical act is a deliberate action intended to produce specific legal effects and consequences.
You should know that any certificate can be a legal act:

For the bank

For the clerk's office, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), the Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CMA), the Departmental Registration Service (SDE), the Business Tax Service (SIE)

for all stakeholders

For the drafting of employment contracts, end of contract contracts or amendments to employment contracts
The legal act may:

Create rights

Turn off rights

Editing rights

Transferring rights
Claim your rights and call on the FISKA\France team to carry out your legal acts.

Specific mailings
Drafting legal letters enables you to assert your rights with various organizations and third parties.
That is why it is advisable to respect a certain method in the drafting.
With FISKA\France, writing your letters becomes child’s play! Whether they are to be addressed to an official body, a public administration, a co-contractor or any company/organization, we help you in the drafting, the rereading and/or the reformulation of your letters.