A team that listens to you, ready to take on any challenge!

// A word from the founders

Barbara et Marc Chapoutier-Troesch

Managers & Founders

Barbara C.


Marc T.


Christophe M.

Accounting expertise

Thibaut B.

French accounting

Alexandra C.

Tax, social and hotline

Maryem R.

French accounting

Nouamane B.

French accounting

Cathy L.

French accounting

Nadine W.

German accounting

Tatiana B.

German accounting

Audrey R.

Customer Service

Nolan D.

Tax, social and hotline

Giancarlo C.

International project management

Emmanuelle W.

Travels and trips

Marie J.

Project management

Emmy C.

Ambassador USA

Virginie H.

Customer Service

Angelika H.


Yvette K.

Customer Service

Lydia C.

General Services

Pierre R.

Computer development

Elena C.

Translations and interpretations

Sabine S.

Customer Service

Jules M.


Lisa M.

Customer Service

Hugo G.

Customer Service

The bodyguards

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